Thursday, November 29, 2012

Shannon McHale Project Shoot

These are some of the interview responses from Marcy Marinelli, the Chair of the University Senate Campus Affairs Committee. Marcy leads the committee, which is writing a recommendation for President Loh regarding the upcoming smoking ban. The in/out markers on this are somewhat rough since I haven't decided which responses to use yet...I'll decide which parts of Marcy's interview to include once I finish the man on the street interviews with students and faculty. I kept a version of the edited down clips without the cross-dissolve (I know it's super cheesy but it looked very choppy without any transitions) so there's better/ more raw footage for the final. I also need to crop/zoom in on this and fix or edit any lighting issues because of the window in the background. Marcy's office was on a corner and this was the least strange setup for the filming...I might ask her to re-do certain parts of the interview in a different location depending on how feasible it is to mess with the light.

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